Outdoor Wood Heaters are an exciting way to add ambient light as well as warmth to any backyard or outdoor entertaining area. Available in portable forms like fire pits as well as built in forms like wood fire barbecue heaters, if you’re interested in finding a wood heater there are plenty of varieties to pick from.
Tucker’s fire pit is made from strong cast iron and is 85cm across meaning it can create quite a large fire to warm your entertaining area. Easily assembled, fire pits are an authentic and natural way to warm you and your guests.
It is not recommended to place or use your fire pit under a covered deck or patio as fire pits will create smoke which have the potential to create problems with the heat affecting the ceiling material and discolouring the paint. It is also best to keep wood fires away from over hanging trees and bushes as wind can change instantly and embers can set fire to trees, bushes and shrubs easily.
Alternatively, if you are looking for something in-built, outdoor barbecue fires are an interesting option. These heaters are fully functioning in-built wood heaters which double as inbuilt barbecues. They add a distinct feature to your backyard and outdoor entertaining area, especially if built into an area near your dining area or outdoor kitchen. These barbecue heaters have to be built into non-combustible material (for example, masonry, stone, concrete or brickwork) and many options can be purchased with steel frame enclosures for an extra touch of class and detail.